Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace was born on December 10th, 1815 in the United Kingdom.
From an early age, Ada's mother hired a tutor who introduced her to the
foundation of math and science. Ada didn't attend a university during her
lifetime, but she still accomplished a lot without her pursuit in a higher education.
She was able to see what a computer could do when no one else saw the
bigger picture. While others saw the computers as a way of doing calculations,
Ada saw that it had more potential. One of her biggest achievements was
she created the first computer algorithm before the computer was built.
The algorithm was supposed to be for the computer the Analytical Engine,
but since the program didn't have enough funding, the project was never
completed. Ada's work wasn't know until the 1950s, but by then, she wasn't
alive to see her work be recognized. She died on November 27th, 1852.
Now, she is considered the world's first computer programmer and she
even has her a complex programming language named after her to
recognize some of her accomplishments.


Scientific Women
